To manage this growth, and continue
delivering superior healthcare to their residents, SESLHD engages a Strategy
and Planning Team to inform all decision, prioritise investment areas and help
fill service and capability gaps to ensure their Health Service effectively
meets need for years to come.
Currently SESLHD has two major infrastructure
projects underway. The St George Hospital Redevelopment has seen over $700m
invested since 2011 and includes the construction of a new $211m Acute Services
Building, and the Randwick Prince of Wales Campus project, which sees an
investment of over $720m.
Ahead of the Health Facilities Design and Development Summit 2020 we chat to Julie Dixon, Director Planning,
Population Health and Equity as well
as Health Planners, Wendy Uptin and Alison Sneddon from the SESLHD’s
Strategy and Planning Team to learn more about the planning works supporting
these large-scale infrastructure investments.
Julie, Wendy and Alison further discuss how
the planning team is developing integrated health service plans to inform
capital developments which focus on shifting care into the community and ensure
patients receive care in the right care setting.
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