Tuesday, 25 May, 2021 | 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM (SGT)
Digital Event

Project Delivery Lessons Learned from Three of Australia’s Biggest Hospital Projects

Project Delivery Lessons Learned from Three of Australia’s Biggest Hospital Projects

Project delays, cost blowouts, poor stakeholder engagement and communication breakdowns are but a few of the problems faced in delivering any large-scale infrastructure project. With careful planning, clear communication, strategic stakeholder engagement initiatives though many of these pitfalls can be avoided. 

With this in mind, ahead of the Health Facilities Design and Development Summit and Australian Healthcare Week 2020 we chat to Hannah Seymour, Medical Director at Fiona Stanley Hospital in Western Australia, Paul Lambert, Executive Director, Activation, New Royal Adelaide Project at the Central Adelaide Local Health Network in South Australia and Toni Peggrem, Executive Director of Strategy and Planning at Gold Coast Health.

At 2.3 billion, 2 billion and 1.76 billion respectively these projects exemplify the large-scale, complex healthcare infrastructure being constructed around the country. And with Gold Coast University Hospital operational since 2013, Fiona Stanley operational since 2014 and new Royal Adelaide since 2017, and the kind of wisdom that only comes with hindsight, those involved with the delivery of these projects are ready to share their journey and lessons learned to help aid other Australian projects.

Download the exclusive eBook to learn more. 


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