Tarun Gauri

Former Business Transformation Manager Energy Company

Tarun Gauri is a passionate Digital Transformation and Business Reform practitioner with over 20 years of experience in leveraging data and technology to drive business outcomes. His extensive background spans various sectors, including agribusiness, utilities, telecom, insurance, and transport. Tarun emphasizes strong governance and has expertise in strategy and planning, customer-centric design, risk management, and change delivery. He has also played a key role in sector reform in Utilities, Environmental Protection, and Human Services at both State and Commonwealth levels.

Day One | Tuesday 15th October

4:00 PM Case Study: Business Transformation Leveraging Digital Technologies

·        Transform from local to holistic data strategy.

·        Define high-quality data for effective AI and automation.

·        Seamlessly overcome legacy system hurdles for efficient integration.

·        Employ dynamic strategies for optimised data interchanges aligned with business goals.

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Tarun.

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