Dr. Markus Baumgartner

Head of Global Business Services Miba

Day One, March 14, 2022: Business Continuity Management

9:45 AM Panel Discussion: Why the Data in Process Management is the Not-So-Secret Weapon to Business Continuity Planning

One of the key challenges with keeping company knowledge locked away in the minds of its employees, is that company growth or turnover leads to knowledge becoming a bottleneck or at risk of being lost. The shared services organization that’s able to manage and govern its data effectively, will also ensure business continuity. This panel discussion will track how each speaker has recorded and organized the data held in business processes so that it can remain with the business over time and protect the business against unforeseen circumstances. It will cover:

  • The risks of keeping business knowledge locked away in the minds of employees
  • Shifting workforce interactions with data away from data input and towards data consumption
  • The long-term strategic benefit and applications of upgrading and digitizing document management

Non-technical - Business Management & Organization 0.6 CPEs