Mohamed ELMeadawy

VP, Finance & Controlling - Emerging Markets Groupe SEB

Future of Finance Exchange - Day 1

3:40 PM Panel - Keep Calm and Carry On: How We Lead Through Periods of Disaster and the Lessons Learned

In just the last 5 years, organisations globally have had to deal with more extreme macroconditions that are impossible to predict. COVID-19, Suez blockages, the war in Ukraine, IT outages, power outages – the list goes on! And yet, as leaders who are shifting towards strategy over process, we hear very little insight or effort on how to deal with times of crises. And considering how we measure the effectiveness of leadership during crises in political, social, or military spheres, this surely means we need to translate this into the world of finance. By listening a collaborating with a diverse panel of leaders who have faced disaster we can help define the future of finance.


·       Discussing dilemmas: A brief introduction to the panellists and their leadership initiatives during a difficult time


·       Making the connections between disasters: Exploring the first steps a leader needs to take when being caught off guard


Planning for our future: Creating more resilient leaders and organisations

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Mohamed.

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