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GBS Certification Webinar: How to Articulate Global Business Services Value Proposition

As we all are emerging, we hope, from COVID-19 business challenges, our companies are looking increasingly for gains in efficiency, effectiveness and agility – anything that can help accelerate, regain balance and course correct from the bumps and bruises of the last year.

This creates an opportunity for shared service professionals – if we are ready for it. If we are not, this creates a series of unwelcome challenges.

Key is to be ready, and able, to articulate your value.

Listen as two leading industry experts share key principles and strategies to ensure we are showcasing what our shared service work brings and can bring to the business.

Webinar Speakers:

  • Tony Saldanha, CEO, Inixia
  • Marcello Zelioli, Sales Manager, Cannon
  • Naomi Secor, Global Managing Director, Shared Services & Outsourcing Network (SSON)

GBS Certification Webinar: The Reality and Opportunity of Simultaneous Delivery in Global Business Services

There are many reasons why simultaneously managing cost-reduction, service level improvement and business building is a challenge in the shared services industry.

  1. Our work is people intensive i.e., deskill / eliminate the role and you risk an impact on output quality
  2. By increasing the importance of customer/business satisfaction -- including proximity and language skills -- we limit our ability to centralize
  3. We need to invest to kick start transformations i.e., there’s only so many of these simultaneous activities that you can afford

This question is more relevant now than ever. So, how do we continue to reduce costs, expand the footprint, and manage the new enhanced customer expectations – all at the same time?

During this webinar, Ajit Kunji, Sr. Director, EBS, Walmart, shares his experience and next best action steps. Specifically, he will address the following:

  • How to approach this multi-dimensional issue
  • Global Business Services (GBS) value drivers
  • An example of GBS Shared Services levers
  • When to bring other key levers into play and how to use them
  • How to create GBS projects and programs from GBS value levers

How to Double the Business Value Generated by Global Business Services

In this webinar, join Caroline Basyn, Strategy and Transformation Europe, PepsiCo and Tony Saldanha, CEO, Inixia in a fireside chat and learn how to double the business value delivered by GBS via a professional methodology. 

Topics for discussion include: 

  • Why is there a big difference in outcomes in some organizations vs. others?
  • How to make a case for moving work to GBS?
  • Why is there such a variety of definitions on what "GBS work" is and how to educate business leaders?
  • How to develop "business" skills within GBS?


A Comprehensive Review of Inixia’s Professional GBS Certification Program: Revolutionizing SSC Organizational Chart, People Management, Service Management, and Risk Mitigation.

In this comprehensive review, learn how SSON and Inixia's GBS Certification helped CliftonLarsonAllen LLP implement and excel with:

  • Redesigning the SSC Organizational Chart
  • People Management Excellence
  • Service Management Best Practices
  • Improving Controls and Mitigating Risk

The GBS Certification program is being offered by a group of ex- P&G executives who spearheaded the GBS model and who have come together as Inixia – providing practical business services and digital transformation. The training is brought to you by this team in an initiative to professionalize Global Business Services through clearly defined standards and best practices; training; certification; and advisory services.

SSON GBS Certification Program

This certification program enables organizations to achieve breakthrough levels of transformation through a proven GBS model and framework focused on standardization, innovation, and value creation.View the brochure and to see what we have planned for SSON GBS Certification Program!