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Sponsorship Opportunities

2020 Digital Opportunities

SSON operates under three distinct brands - SSON, SSON Analytics and SSO Week - the biggest and longest running SSO event series. Each offers SSO professionals the information, tools and connections they need to succeed.

Our partners work with us to amplify their content and position their brand through highly targeted lead generation and thought leadership Omni channel campaigns.

Fast Track Your Attendance to HR Shared Services

Current Attendee List

Take a look at who has already signed up to attend the upcoming HR Shared Services Transformation Online Event. Will you be joining 400+ of the industry's top experts?

A Letter to Convince Your Boss

Present your boss with this customizable letter detailing the reasons why you should attend the upcoming conference and you'll be sure to receive approval to join us.

ROI Toolkit

We put together an Attendee ROI Toolkit to make your virtual journey to the HR Shared Services Transformation Summit as smooth as possible.

So you might be asking yourself – what exactly is this toolkit? It encompasses everything you need to show the value of attending the industry's most reputable HR Shared Services Event. Inside you will find the top benefits of attending, a customizable letter to your boss, a breakdown of the 300+ organizations already signed up, and more!

SSON's State of the Global Shared Services Industry Report 2020

Get ready for SSON's annual state-of-the-industry report 2020!

Each year, SSON conducts a dive deep into their survey data to bring you highlights, lowlights and key ideas regarding where you might focus your efforts. Critically, we are now the same distance from 2050 as we are from 1990, when Shared Services was born – an excellent basis for defining the new ‘Shared Services of the future’. SSON's survey this year was longer than usual, because they wanted to find out about all kinds of things: Where do you stand on cloud? How much is RPA integration costing you beyond cost of license? How do you see your career progressing? What's your data strategy? (Do you even have one?) I hope you’ll agree that you learn best from your peers. Download the report now to uncover the answers to the questions above, plus much more.