Beth Cord

Vice President, HR Shared Services L'Oreal

Main Day One: Wednesday, November 13, 2024

12:55 PM Panel | True Tier Zero: Building an Omni-Channel Employee Self-Service Strategy

Challenge: Today's employees expect a seamless and convenient experience when interacting with HR. How do you leverage technology to create a multi-channel self-service environment that caters to diverse preferences and work styles?

Solution: This session equips you with strategies to build a robust omni-channel self-service ecosystem for HR. Discover how to utilize various technologies to empower your workforce and free up HR resources for strategic initiatives.

Key Learnings:

·      Explore how to leverage chatbots, texting, employee portals, and phone support to cater to various preferences and work environments. (e.g., On-site employees might prefer phone support, while remote workers might prefer chatbots).

·       Learn how to make HR resources easily accessible across all channels, ensuring consistency and ease of use.

·       Discover ways to integrate various self-service options into a cohesive experience, providing a smooth user journey regardless of the chosen channel.

Main Day Two: Thursday, November 14, 2024

1:25 PM Conquer Complexity: Empowering Tier One to Resolve Advanced HR Inquiries

Challenge: With the advancement of automation, tier one support in HR Shared Services is now able to face complex queries that typically require escalation.

Solution: Upskill your tier one team with the knowledge and tools to confidently address a wider range of HR inquiries. Empower your frontline to resolve complex issues efficiently and improve overall customer satisfaction.

Learn how to:

·       Craft comprehensive resources that empower tier one agents to effectively troubleshoot and resolve complex inquiries.

·       Utilize escalation triggers effectively

·       Leverage knowledge management tools and collaboration platforms

·       Foster a culture of problem-solving, empowering tier one agents to analyze inquiries, identify root causes, and explore solution options.

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Beth.

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