Machine Learning
What is Machine Learning?
Samuel, a developer in the grounds of artificial intelligence and computer
gaming, coined the term “Machine Learning”. The term machine learning (ML) is
used to describe the idea of training computers to learn in the same way that
humans do. It is seen as a division of artificial intelligence (AI). The choice
of processes depends on what type of data we have and what kind of task we are
trying to systematize. We are programmed to learn from our experience as are
machines. Machine learning comes into the picture when problems cannot be
solved by means of classic approaches. Machine learning is aggressively being
used in today’s world, perhaps in many more places than one would expect.
The Future of Machine Learning
intelligence and machine learning are
big buzzy terms making more noise now than ever. The accessibility of big data platforms and digital
data has enhanced the effectiveness of AI/ML, making them better in many applications
than humans. As
businesses increasingly move their procedures to the cloud, they’re identifying
the potential to connect the almost limitless power presented and tap into
artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies to deliver insights
and value to the business that were previously beyond their reach.
real-time intelligence for intricate decision-making procedures is vital for
businesses today, anticipating the presentation of the markets in nearby future
years will be best fulfilled with ML over human labor force. In fact, machine
learning has been used across countless disciplines from healthcare to schooling
and it is showing no sign of slackening.
learning in the form of tailored learning could be used to give each student an
individualized educational experience. Personalized learning is an scholastic
model where students guide their own learning, going at their own pace and, in some
cases, making their own decisions about what to learn. This is a huge
breakthrough in education since many people are always wondering about what
they want to do in their lives and always need some kind of guidance. Machine
learning and automation can help make educated decisions to these students in
healthcare, ML is very advanced. Researchers and scientists have arranged
models to train machines for identifying cancer just by looking at cell images.
Machine learning is heavily being used to design treatment plans for cancer
patients, promptly analyze results from medical lab and clinical tests to
escalate the complaint of the patient to the appropriate specialist instantly,
and conduct scientific investigation for drug detection. Data is being used to
help patients to the core of their problems. How is this possible? All that is
required, is, high calculation machine, a large volume of good quality image
data and machine learning models with good algorithms to succeed
state-of-the-art outcomes.
Eliminating the Mundane Work
One of
the biggest uses of machine learning is getting rid of the mundane
administrative tasks that we all dislike. It is not a matter of machine
learning executing what a human can’t do but of ML refining the productivity of
a task that is cumbersome and time-consuming for human workers. From marketing
to customer service, businesses are finding ways to use machine learning to restructure
operations. Mundane tasks eliminated but still completed—and completed with
increased accuracy. As machine learning has triggered worries that our jobs
will be replaced by AI, the actuality is that machine learning is already permitting
humans to get on with the more interesting aspects of their jobs as AI slogs
away at the more mundane features of tasks such as data mining.
By the
very nature of this intelligence, machine learning and many other kinds of automation
eradicate the conception of human error, and keep projects on-task and
on-point. According to Adobe’s The Future
of Work: More Than a Machine study, 84 percent of US office workers say
technology frees them up from boring tasks. Two in three say they want to use
AI at work so they can have a “personal assistant” to share everyday tasks
with—it’s Siri for the enterprise set.
recent news, hardly a day goes by where we don't hear about the latest expansion
in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. We are in the age of Intelligence.
Machine learning is not just for data scientists. Even simple decisions powered
by ML can benefit you. Interested in understanding how machine learning can be
of great use to you and your company? Come and learn about these benefits that
machine learning can offer you at our Intelligent Automation Week in Nashville,
TN from December 2nd-5th. View the full agenda: