The Ins and Out of Natural Language Generation


As RPA pilots and proof of concepts win over senior leadership and process automation is scaled enterprise-wide, new efforts to layer RPA with Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence have led to a keen interest in the potential for Natural Language Generation to improve business processes. Ahead of Intelligent Automation Week Chicago 2020 (August 10-13, 2020) I sat down with Ankur Kothari, the VP of Cloud Architecture and Digital Marketing Transformation from Northern Trust Corporation. We spoke about what exactly NLG is, how it can improve business processes, and to understand a little more about what enterprise leaders can expect from their first pilots.

Consider this a 101 Cheat Sheet to NLG where you will learn:

• The difference between Natural Language Generation and Natural Language Processing

• How NLG improves chatbot fluency and applications beyond customer service

• The best place to start when piloting NLG

What is Natural Language Generation?

To understand Natural language generation (NLG), we need to understand Natural Language Processing (NLP). NLP technology converts human language into structured data that a computer can interpret. Think of NLP as allowing a computer to read text written in normal human language. Now, Natural Language Generation is exactly what it sounds like — it is the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning to create and generate language. In other words, it is a computer that can write. In short, Natural language generation (NLG) is the use of artificial intelligence (AI) programming to produce written or spoken narrative from a dataset. NLG technology produces verbal or written text that sound like a human wrote it. When used in conjunction with NLP, NLG generates natural, context appropriate, and helpful responses to a customer question or request.

Where does it fit into Enterprise Automation?

NLG enables personalized marketing at scale. Marketing leaders are actively investing in NLG technology for content creation process. NLG enable marketers to personalize content or creative messages at scale and at the fast pace that business requires today. The potential value for multi-channel marketing is clear.

What applications can we currently use Natural Language Generation For?

Chatbots. The efficacy of a chatbot depends largely on its ability to converse or interact with people in a way that a human would. The best chatbots are the ones that give users the impression that they are chatting with a real human. These chatbots not only require advanced natural language processing capabilities but also the capacity for effective natural language generation. These chatbots can be extremely context-sensitive and adept at personalizing user experiences, helping businesses automate their customer service verticals. These chatbots can be used for multiple purposes, such as complaint and query resolution and virtual assistance for online processes (e.g., form filling).

What do you see as Future application of Natural Language Generation?

Content Creation. AI research will truly achieve new heights when machines that are capable of creating content with the naturalness and quirkiness of human writers are developed. While that may be too much to ask for from AI, these systems can at least help businesses create technical, non-creative content, such as part and product descriptions, internal communications, agreements and contracts, and other similar forms of textual communications.

Where’s a good place to start for a Natural Language Generation Pilot?

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is all about leveraging tools, techniques and algorithms to process and understand natural language-based data, which is usually unstructured like text, speech and so on. You can begin with standard NLP models or products to test your data and then improve on those models with your learnings. If you’re interested in learning more about natural language generation or how other applications of AI and Machine Learning (ML) can transform business operations, check out our AI+ML track at Intelligent Automation Week Chicago! 

Taking place on August 10-13 at the Marriott Downtown Magnificent Mile, the event will host a full day of workshops on August 10, two main conference days from August 11-12 and two dedicated focus days on August 13. Download our agenda-at-a-glance for more info!