Operations & Process Improvement - Agenda

Operations & Process Improvement - Agenda

SSON’s Intelligent Automation Week conference, hosted in Chicago from June 16-18, 2023, is a place for operations and process improvement professionals from across all industries to share best practices and enhance their intelligent automation expertise, regardless of their organization’s automation maturity level. Design your agenda around what matters most to you.

As you know, intelligent automation offers significant benefits to organizations looking to optimize their processes, reduce costs, and improve their overall business performance. The three-day event a wide array of insightful speakers, thought-provoking sessions, and valuable networking experiences. By attending, you’ll learn from the experts and leave with process improvement tools and tactics for.

Key confirmed sessions include:

  • Process Improvement & IA Strategies to Minimize the Impact the Recession Can Cause Organizations
  • Fireside Chat: IPA (Intelligent Process Automation) to Drive Cost Savings, Efficiencies & Accuracy Into Processes Across the Enterprise
  • Panel Discussion: Effectively Switching or Upgrading Legacy RPA Platforms to Optimize IA Strategies During & Beyond the Recession
  • BPM (Business Process Management) To Optimize Workflow Automation & Boost Processes Excellence
  • Use Case: Voya Financial’s Methods To Build On A Foundation Of Continuous Improvement & Process Optimization
  • Panel Discussion: Implications & Rewards Of Citizen De Velopment Programs