David Levi

Esq., MBA, CPA, MSJ/Law, Senior Vice President, Corporate Controller & Chief Accounting Officer VONAGE

MAIN DAY ONE: Wednesday, November 13, 2024

9:00 AM The Art of Finance Transformation and Strategically Navigating the Economic & Business Landscape

In today’s highly digital-first and competitive landscape, most organizations have already developed their digital and business transformation 5-year strategy plans and are currently rolling out the programs they developed quite some time ago. And of course, they are knee-deep in steering the digital and business transformation initiatives they developed years ago, fine tuning them along the way based upon the reality of current day external and internal variables. Hear how leaders envision their current finance automation programs, what problems they were trying to solve, and the business value they intended to reap, now and into the next 5+ years. By better understanding their vision and objectives, you can in turn align your finance automation strategy, implementation, and budgets accordingly.

Topics of discussion will include, yet will not be limited to:

  • What are your core objectives with respect to utilizing intelligent automation and generative AI within finance?
  • What areas of finance operations should we apply our digital transformation efforts and budgets towards?
  • Are there any very specific areas of finance we should focus our automation and digital transformation efforts towards?
  • What type of finance automation and generative technologies have you already heavily invested in - and will continue to do so on a short and long-term basis?

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining David.

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