SSON's 2023 Latin America Impact Awards

HR LATAM Impact Awards Application 2023

HR LATAM Impact Awards Application 2023

HR Impact can take many forms: Technology-enabled HR, improving employee experiences, becoming an employer of choice, elevating self-service capabilities, increasing personalization and customization, better business partnering, leveraging analytics to support HR processes, reducing cost and fostering overall innovation through digitalization and new generation technologies. This award category is focused on the transformation, cost and capability improvements in HR Services.

Finance LATAM Impact Awards Application 2023

Finance LATAM Impact Awards Application 2023

Finance Impact can take many forms: Technology-enabled finance, RPA & IA in Finance, creating value for business partners, improving cycle times, data standardization, overhauling operating models, reducing overall cost, driving the next generation of finance talent and leveraging the cognitive era to improve operational efficiency and create the potential for faster growth. This award category is focused on the transformation, enabling technology, cost and capability improvements in Finance Business Services.

Automation LATAM Impact Awards Application 2023

Automation LATAM Impact Awards Application 2023

Automation can take many forms, movement to workflow technology, self-service system, Robotic Process Automation and even in some cases Artificial Intelligence, the options are endless. This award category is focused on the strategic automation methodology that is being used, benefits, and hard improvements that the automation have brought to a shared services organization. SSON's Shared Services & Outsourcing Impact Awards is a globally recognized, annual industry awards ceremony, which honors and celebrates SSC and service delivery teams who have exceeded industry standards in their SS&O initiatives.