North American State of the Shared Services Market Report 2019

Throughout the past few years, majority of shared services organizations
have moved away from human-based work towards knowledge-driven functions
supported by data and automation. This was one of the leading trends
highlighted in SSON’s North American Shared Services Market Report, concluding
that most SS leaders are leveraging analytics and automation to drive
performance improvement. With a main focus on improving performance, many
organizations have implemented Centers of Expertise, change management for
workforce transition, and ambitious targets for productivity improvement.
SSON’s North American Shared Services Market Report highlights
the substantial improvement in shared services models by identifying industry
trends, stages of different organizations, as well as the challenges and
opportunities that lie within the industry. Among the shared services
functions, HR and F&A, followed by Procurement, are the largest areas to date.
The biggest emerging trend amongst these services was the establishment of
Centers of Expertise. With roughly 2/3 of NA operations implementing CoEs, this
trend highlights the efforts to execute value-added processes made by the
industry. This saturation of established CoEs is a milestone in terms of shared
services future potential.
CoEs have become the driving force of todays SSOs with a
main focus on improving performance through automation and analytics.
Capabilities like intelligent automation, as well as data analytics and
management, is used to leverage CoEs, but the question still remains whether or
not the ideal operation is fewer, large centers or more, small centers.
As the shared services industry progresses, so does its objectives
and potential benefits. The benefits of shared services used to be measured
based on cost and timing, now they are being analyzed based on control,
customer service, and agility. Of the three, customer service is becoming more
significant among operations compared to last year which is no surprise
considering the aggressive productivity improvement targets SSOs have set for
2019. Over a third reported targeting a 7-10% increase in productivity
Shared services organizations recognize that their ambitious
goals should not only be focused on working harder but working smarter. Today,
they aim towards better understanding their processes just as much as getting
the work done. The execution of data analytics and business insights learned
from past challenges presents the opportunity to offer knowledge-based
services, compared to transactional-based services.
Better understand business processes leads into the
third-party support trend. Shared services leaders are continuously seeking
consultants and advisers to help identify any gaps or opportunities they may be
missing. As new tools continue to emerge, it can be easy to be left behind as
competition progresses. Due to the increased implementation of automated
technologies, an effective transformation program can be the fine line between
success and failure.
Supporting management through the workforce transition
remains the main challenge for SSO leaders. Current skill gaps like innovation,
process excellence, data analytics, and automation contribute to the challenge
of managing a smooth transition from modern workforce to a human and robotic
hybrid. This includes transitioning the modern workforce to a hybrid workforce
of robotics and humans. Although most organizations have yet to address the
challenges this report highlights, efforts to introduce change management and
training are emerging.
Although the industry continues to thrive, it still has many
years of development ahead. As time progresses, the challenges presented will
continue to drive new innovations and solutions that will aid in the growth of
shared services operations. As this industry continues to expand, so will its
operations, opportunities, and impacts.