SSOW's Future of Outsourcing Summit

Wednesday, September 2, 2020 - Thursday, September 3, 2020

This year, we are bringing the “O” back to SSOW, with a full 1.5 days dedicated to the Future of the Outsourcing industry. With automation sweeping onto the scene, outsourcing service providers have been forced to innovate their service offering drastically over the past 5 years, and with nearly half of North American SSOs operating a hybrid or fully outsourced model, you need to know how this transformation will affect your operations.

Discussion Points Include:

        • The role of technology on the Outsourcing industry
        • Customer relationships – getting the best out of your outsourcing partner
        • To Outsource or In-Source? Benefits and challenges associated with hybrid, outsourced, and captive operations
        • What TOM works for you?
        • The impact of political changes on your global operations
        • Developing talent – strategies to attain, train, and retain future finance leaders
        • Driving change management with your BPO