COVID Safe Policy

Get Ready For An Enriching & COVID-Safe Attendee Experience 

Like many of you, we’re all keen to get back together in a face-to-face environment for that all important networking and exchange of ideas on critical problems and new challenges in our roles today.

At IQPC Australia, we’re committed to making this a positive event experience with all the necessary COVID-Safe measures for our customers and employees. Our dedicated COVID-Safe team is working closely with our venues, suppliers and partners on a number of initiatives that will uplift the usual event experience to a COVID-Safe one. These include:

  • Contactless registration and COVID-Safe Check-in
  • Hand sanitation stations throughout the conference venue
  • Clear signage & educational videos promoting advice on hygiene guidelines
  • Social distancing measures throughout event, including floor markings in networking areas
  • Seating assignment and socially distanced arrangement
  • Frequent venue cleaning of conference space
  • COVID-Safe Food & Beverage distribution stations
  • Onsite COVID-Safe Champions to assist and advise you throughout

In the lead up to the event our team will share more information on these points to help you in advance of your arrival.

IQPC Australia events strictly adheres to all rules and regulations laid out by government authorities, including the Australian Government and Australian Health Authorities to ensure the health and safety of everyone on our premises. Our selected venue is certified to run events by the NSW Government and attests to its compliance with the highest hygiene standards.

If you have any questions please feel free to get in touch. For a copy of our detailed COVID-Safe Event Delivery Plan please email us to get a copy

Otherwise we look forward to welcoming you and your colleagues back to in-person events in 2021!

IQPC Australia COVID-Safe Team

P.S. Register online with confidence here