Globally recognized expert and thought leader in Global Business Services (GBS) and digital technology, with a 27-year career running Procter & Gamble's multi-billion dollar GBS and IT operations globally.
When P&G launched one of the first and undeniably the largest and most complex shared service in the world, its leadership committed to ongoing evolution to ensure the organization continued to exceed expectations. Here are three key things they learned and continue to apply . . .
1. Running as a Business is a cornerstone strategy. It is not turnkey to implement, but without the investment, you will not optimize results
2. Shared Services , IT and Innovation cannot be mutually exclusive
3. There is a strategy for leadership buy-in
During this session attendees will:
· Gain best practices to build expertise in shared services
· Obtain a 5-step process to digital transformation
· Learn how to obtain the frameworks and methodologies used in best-in-class SSOs through the SSON/Inixia Professional GBS Certification Course