Q&A with Gabriela Stanakova, Senior Director, GBS Source To Pay Global Operations, Kimberly-Clark


What one strategy are you using to transform source-to-pay, and how are you driving it to maximise business impact?

Thank you. The one strategy that we talk about is actually multiple strategies, you know, all combined together. We are implementing a new system that is going to be driving end-to-end integrated source-to-pay processes. Imagine the power of connected data, connected processes, and also influencing the way people are working, right? So, it's touching people, processes, and systems, and the impact on the business is obvious, right? Having better scale, being able to make decisions, and so on. So, you know, that would be the one.


How do you see shared services and GBS evolving in the coming years?

It's been quite a topic during this conference. I think, you know, what is the involvement of the GBS? I actually think that GBS is going to become like a powerful, human-centric, engaged organization that is going to make decisions based on data analytics and innovation, like a real business partner. So, not just sitting at the table, but having a coffee over the debate to be a true business partner.


What advice/words of wisdom would you give to someone who is just starting their shared services and GBS journey?

Still feeling young, 25 plus, but if the decision is already taken about setting up the GBS, I think, you know, it's good to connect with people who already did it, but not relying only on their experience because each company is different. You need to fit to your company culture. So, you need to engage very early with the stakeholders, understand their pain points. You need to make yourself relevant for the business. And another one is people. It's a word for talent in GBS organizations. So, you know, think about how you need to engage and connect all those different generations we have, Generation X, Millennials, and Gen Z that is actually coming on the market, how you can make them want to work for you.


What memorable moments or highlights from SSOW Europe 2023 have stood out?

Plenty of them because I really love this conference. A lot of inspirational leaders, a lot of conversations. I really like the breakout sessions. I think they were awesome because you could talk to people having different experiences. And I actually captured a couple of highlights that I'm going to try to implement in my organization. And then I love the Women Connect in the morning because I'm very passionate about women's development in leadership positions. So, I love that too. Hope we will continue with that spirit. And the last one, I like the debate: purpose versus performance. Yeah, I think purpose is super important and powerful for GBS to feel our identity and our brand.

If you enjoyed this interview, don't miss the opportunity to explore the agenda for Shared Services & Outsourcing Week Europe 2024 here! This event promises exclusive insights unavailable elsewhere, guiding you towards success on your shared services and GBS journey.