Mohit embarked on his journey with Maersk as VP & Head of GSC Finance in October 2019. He took over as SVP & Head of Global Service Centre in August 2021, spearheading the entire Global Service Centre for Maersk. The GSC covers Finance, Commercial, Operations, Sales Support, and Supply Chain in close collaboration with a large technology centre housed at the GSC. Mohit has a rich and versatile background, with over three decades of industry experience. Before joining Maersk, he spent ten years with American Express, leading their Retail Foreign Exchange and Travel Business. He also spent 16 years with GE/Genpact, where he led their FNA business and served as their Global CFO. Additionally, he spent 4.5 years with Mondelez International as their lead for Finance transformation and Shared Services.
SSON R&A studies report that more than 51% of GBS-enabled organisations are looking at location changes and additions. With the ongoing geopolitical tension in different parts of the globe and facing an uncertain economic outlook, location again becomes a contentious area for discussion. In addition to looking at optimising delivery models, risk exposure is becoming an increasingly important factor. This session will look to share the leaders view on the following:
· How are organisations reshaping their location strategy with their delivery models? Should companies centralise operations in a single location, establish a hub-and-spoke model, or decentralise globally?
· How well are we doing in balancing proximity, talent pool and cost effectiveness with a cohesive onshore, offshore and nearshore strategy? Sharing stories and models that have worked well for us
· How are we mitigating delivery exposure taking into consideration the rising geopolitical risks
Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Mohit.
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