Salvatore Russo

Head of Strategy and Service Enablement AstraZeneca

With more than 10 years in GBS, Salvatore Russo contributed to establish and develop shared services on a global basis.

Currently, Salvatore is the GBS Strategy Director in AstraZeneca and he joined in April 2018 after 10 years in Vodafone when he was leading the Strategy and Engagement team for the past 3 years.

Salvatore contributed in creating one of the largest and admired Shared Services in the world and his primary focus was to establish shared services capabilities in different geography but also to strategize the overall services and footprint expansion together with the customer engagement and GBS brand awareness and promotion.

Before his Vodafone days, Salvatore worked in ExxonMobil operation centre in Budapest helping the team to adopt a continuous improvement mindset and tools.


8:30 AM Leveraging Performance Management and KPI Metrics to Improve GBS Decision Making

Driving strong performance management in GBS is not only a critical element for service delivery but also a great tool to drive your GBS strategy forward. There can also be plenty of pitfalls along the way to building a strong equity for the GBS organization. This is an in-depth discussion around these key areas focusing on:

·       Understanding how to select and run the KPIs: what are the criteria for selecting the right KPIs and how do you implement them?

·       What are the best practices in leveraging technologies for performance tracking and reporting

·       How to leverage performance management and key KPIs to drive end-to-end transformation

·       How to take the user experience into consideration throughout this whole journey

·       How to drive decision-making using metrics: identifying where the problems are and driving the right decisions to fix them. 

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Salvatore.

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