Name: Miki Mùlgaard
Title: Head of Facility Management
Company: Post Danmark A/S, part of PostNord AB
Q: What is your key role?
A: I am head of the Facility Management (FM) division, a service centre that supports core operational processes at Post Danmark based on the principle of Shared Services. We deliver a nationwide FM service and turnkey solutions by providing effective, realistic solutions that add value across a range of services (hard services e.g. Building Operations & Maintenance, Outdoor Maintenance, Production Equipment Maintenance etc. and soft services e.g. Cleaning, Waste Management, Business and Office Services, Project Management, Energy Management etc.).
We deliver FM services in close consultation with our customers and work continuously to make sure that the service is competitive in terms of time, price and quality. One important aspect is to weigh up our own production versus external production and see which provides most value to the operation. Some call this ‘right-sourcing’. The majority of our FM services are delivered via controlling of outsourced production.
Q: What is it that attracts you to the online learning forum? How does this compare to other training sessions you've taken part in?
A: It appears as a flexible solution.
Q: What is your Skill Set?
A: I have 6 years of managerial experience within developing and deploying shared services in Post Danmark.
Prior to my current responsibility as Head of the Facility Management shared services centre, I was responsible for improving the shared services division's leadership, team work and shared services delivery competencies. Entitled Head of Development, my task was to assist the ongoing transformation to a proactive and visible value-for-the-customer focused shared services division by building on the company's EFQM excellence efforts, implementing Lean thinking and driving a constant customer orientated focus - spotting and acting on opportunities to develop new and profitable shared services. Prior to my shared services experience, I have worked for several years at Post Danmark's executive board secretariat.
I hold a M.Sc. in Business Administration from Copenhagen Business School, Denmark, combined with a study semester at Richard Ivey School of Business, Canada.
I have undergone The Confederation of Danish Industry’s Advanced Leadership Training Program as well as Post Danmark’s Leadership Development Program.
Q: In which of the 10 SSOPro competency areas do you feel you have experience/expertise to share?
A: Customer and Stakeholder Service. Talent Management.
Q: In which of the 10 areas do you have most to learn?
A: Contracting and Negotiation; Governance and Compliance.
Q: Who do you look up to in business and why?
A: Jack Welch. His candid and performance-oriented approach is really inspiring, e.g. when it comes to people development.
Q: What are your hobbies or interests?
A: I love relaxing with my family and reading a good magazine. I like skiing and playing floorball (for further info on floorball: when time allows.
Q: What has been your greatest achievement?
A: I am proud of the results that my shared services centre has delivered under my wings since august 2009: On budget and reduced cost per square-metre, satisfied customers and a highly motivated workforce despite of reductions in staff.
I am also proud of the fact that my leadership team are on the same track, committed to our ambitious development plan and that we are realizing vital planned activities. Finally, I am proud to have promoted an encompassing focus on customers and partnerships, which has raised our net promoter score and resulted in new customers.
Q: What is your greatest regret?
A: I don’t dwell on regrets. Instead, I find it important to learn from failures and then move on, smarter.
Q: Which management books/magazines/newspapers do you read?
A: Jack Welch: "Winning". Henry Mintzberg et al.: "Strategy Safari". Robert Simons: "Performance Management and Control Systems for Implementing Strategy".
Q: Who are your favourite writers?
A: Jack Welch as well as Henry Mintzberg.
Q: Where do you live and how far do you commute to work? What keeps you here?
A: I live in Copenhagen, Denmark. I commute only a few kilometres to work. I love living in Copenhagen with my family. My wife and I have just bought a nice house in Copenhagen close to the school where our daughter (aged 6) starts in August, and also close to our two sons’ (aged 4 and 2) kindergarten.
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