

Delivering an Awesome Experience With LEGO

Beth Brown | 01/03/2024

In December, SSON were delighted to host the CX & Service Management in Shared Services Virtual Summit once again. The event provided insights into the benefits of managing customer and employee experience through data tools, automation, and the right mindset.  

Susana Cambeiro, Senior Director of Service Experience Business Service Operations (BSO) at the LEGO Group, opened the event. The session, Delivering an Awesome Experience: The LEGO Group’s Approach to Customer Centricity, tracked the organization’s user journey, the role of account managers in CX, and key metrics to measure experience excellence.  

The Three Pillars of Experience 

To make “experience” a more tangible concept, LEGO Group defines it with three components: personalization, accessibility, and collaboration.  These factor into how the business manages incidents and mistakes which, for Susana, is “much more important than [managing] when things go right.”  

With this definition in mind, the Service Experience team is often the “first point of contact [across the BSO], so experience is the heart of that team.” Susana details how the team manages positive customer and employee experience within the large enterprise.  


  1. LEGO Tone of Voice: To strengthen brand identity and improve customer experience, LEGO is committed to its unique tone of voice. Freaky, or FRKE, stands for fun, reliable, knowledgeable, and engaging.  

Susana notes that they use the same tone of voice within the BSO to align with other teams, such as the CX team.  

  1. Well-connected Across Teams: Providing strong CX is dependent on remaining knowledgeable on the running of the business, regardless of department. Susana explains that the LEGO Group’s strong regional and business acumen is beneficial as “if you know what the customers and the stakeholders need, then obviously the experience that you provide tends to be much better.” 


  1. One-Stop Shop: The organization utilizes a one-stop shop format to ensure all products and services are accessible to customers.  
  1. Centralized Service Portal: To enhance employee experience, the service portal provides access to the BSO and teams beyond it. In addition, there are multiple communication channels such as phone and chatlines.  


  1. Business Account Managers (BAMs): The three BAMs are regionally based, acting as a “bridge into [their] stakeholders.” Each one covers a different geographical area: the Americas, Asia Pacific, and finally EMEA.  
  1. Strong Functional Partnerships: Susana notes that no processes are done in isolation, they are consistently in collaboration with their partners. For example, in preparation for the Q1 process in January, the BSO is already working with HR.  

Susana finished the session with an engaging Q&A with the live audience. To access these unique insights, you can watch this session on-demand above. Alternatively, for all your shared service needs, SSON is hosting the 24th annual Shared Services & Outsourcing Week in May 2024. Secure your place today.   

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