Deploying and Maturing Shared Services in Higher Education: Driving cost savings, operational efficiency and student experience

Deploying and Maturing Shared Services in Higher Education: Driving cost savings, operational efficiency and student experience

Universities are complex institutions that balance public funding, responsible investment, and high-quality operations to support tens of thousands of students, but as operating costs escalate, funding and endowments erode, and tuition increases, TAFEs , colleges and universities are faced with the challenge: do more with less.

As such more and more of these institutions are opting to set up Shared Services Centres as a more effective and efficient means of running their operations. According to SSON data, of the 51 universities across Australia and New Zealand, 27 run Shared Services (51%). There has been significant growth in the adoption of Shared Services across universities in ANZ over the past 10 years.

Ahead of Shared Services Transformation for Higher Education 2019 we explore the growing movement toward shared services within higher education, including how the model fits within the unique mission and attributes of the higher education environment. Featuring insights and perspectives from three Australian universities, the Australian Catholic University, University of Southern Queensland, and Western Sydney University, we explore the strategies that helped them transform their shared services and allowed them to drive cost savings and operational efficiency

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