

SSON Podcast: John Dickens, Service Delivery (Finance Operations), Centrica

Seth Adler | 09/20/2017

"We’ve got the business partnering model, we’ve got the onshore middle layer and the offshore service delivery model coming together." 

John Dickens joins us and shares his history – joining the Barclay’s management program out of school, which led to five years at the Soho Square training branch where he was involved with Channel 4 in the UK during its first year of license.

Joining banking was more of a round-about for John. He noticed that the banking model was changing so he moved to the music industry to differentiate himself, which allowed him to use banking management techniques at a company that really needed it.

John focused on how the organization could be effective and efficient and drive cost out while adding value. He then joined a fast growth company where he re-engineered everything, soup to nuts, and founed an initial shared services operation.

And from there he’s had twenty years in this space.

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