

Collaboration: Pivoting Out of the Pandemic Part 4: A Renovation in “Real” Local Innovation

SSON Editorial | 03/18/2022

SSON Analytics reports that 72% of shared services' strategy for office space has been affected by the pandemic, with 13% shifting to a hub and spoke model of distributed office space to accommodate remote workers needs.

Perceptions are shifting about why teams gather and work in person. On-top of being the locus of everyday work for in-office staff, the physical workspace must also provide opportunities on-site for gathering regional remote employees, creating meaningful team connections and career pathing and mentoring talent.

This two-page infographic details how Oklahoma City fosters low-cost local innovation and proves to be a vibrant venue for organizational expansion through its holistic development efforts. 

Download this piece to learn:

  • Oklahoma City's vision for its Innovation District
  • How cross-sector collaboration is ensuring community sustainability
  • How OKC's master plan meets the needs of SSOs skilled workforce demands

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