

The Executive Series: Recruiting & Keeping The Best Talent In GBS at Commerz Global Service Solutions

Sally Fletcher | 04/09/2024

Digital workflows are replacing paper-based processes, streamlining operations and improving efficiency. This trend is driving SSO/GBS to equip their workforce with the necessary digital skills to operate and excel in the new technology-driven ecosystem. As a result, talent capabilities are under the spotlight, with organizations focused on upskilling and reskilling employees, developing new talent models, and embracing flexible work arrangements to attract and retain the really key talent they so desperately need to meet their objectives. One GBS who is doing a particularly good job here is Commerz Global Service Solutions (a subsidiary of Commerzbank AG). That’s why we invited Arne Graeber their CEO to talk to us about his talent strategy.

This podcast is in conjunction with Shared Services & Outsourcing Week Malaysia. Mr Graeber is speaking at the event, which is held in Kuala Lumpur on June 10-13, on the topic of Creating a High Performance Culture at Commerz Global Service Solutions. Listeners of the SSO Next podcast can access discounts off the ticket price for SSOW Malaysia:

  • Promotion: 15% off 3 Delegate Passes 
  • Promo period: 15 April 2024 – 3 May 2024 
  • Promo code: MY15OFF

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