

SSON's Digital Performance Management in Manufacturing Industry Report

The COVID-19 crisis came in the midst of Industry 4.0 – the industry terminology for the last decade of digital enablement. COVID-19 made crystal clear that the ability to be agile and resilient is a need to have, and companies that were already on the digital transformation journey, investing in technologies that would aid in this resilience and agility, were better able to excel in a pandemic-impacted world. Now every manufacturing organization is looking to accelerate, or double down on digital transformation.

This report will focus on one tool for manufacturers in the digital transformation tool kit: Digital Performance Management. It will dive into current continuous improvement and operational excellence efforts that are still analog in nature, stifling substantial increased productivity, and outline how DPM can act as a data equalizer within an organization, accelerating and democratizing the problem- solving process for the digital age. It will identify the most pressing problems in the factories as well as inhibitors to their effective solving. (Hint – you can’t expect a smashing success without change management.)

Finally, this report will go in depth with James Zhang, VP of Market Development for PTC, as he details what DPM can mean to manufacturers, including a connection from the top floor to the shop floor, an end to the reliance assumptions of skill and expertise, and double-digit productivity increases.

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