

Pivoting Out Of The Pandemic: From Community Build to Business Revival

Naomi Secor | 10/15/2021

With the ongoing pandemic being the reigning topic of discussion amongst Shared Services and Global Business Services leaders, it's only natural that today's main focus has pivoted to preserving, if not building, business resiliency. 

Adaptability, empathy and growth are some of the hallmarks of Shared Services. Nevertheless, SSON Analytics data confirms nearly six out of 10 shared services experienced some level of impact as a result of the pandemic, 18% even "severe."

This impact is prompting businesses of all shapes and sizes to revisit their operating model, location strategy and business resiliency plans. Locations like Oklahoma City stand out at the moment, given their infrastructure, talent, and ability to optimize work-life balance that is so sought after today.

This content-rich infographic provides two powerful case studies that exemplify the commitment to business resiliency and community well-being that is inherent to Oklahoma City's landscape. 

Download this piece to learn: 

  • How American Fidelity, a large private organization headquartered in Oklahoma City with a significant Shared Services function, collaborated to support the community. 
  • How The Greater Oklahoma City Chamber, the Alliance for Economic Development of Oklahoma City, and the City of Oklahoma City worked together to support small businesses and get them back on their feet while larger organizations collaborated to support their initiatives. 

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