

The Building Intelligence Index

WorkX Digital | 07/29/2024

As the case for net-zero spreads worldwide, commercial real estate is under pressure to meet new climate guidelines for emissions reduction.

Unfortunately, many of our buildings are not on track to meet these standards. Historically, reducing carbon emissions within the built environment has been perceived as costly and laborious, without tangible proof of returns. As a result, many property owners and operators are wary that the pursuit of sustainability, while important, does not always tie back to measurable business outcomes.

The good news is that technology innovation has reset this paradigm. Businesses can now use responsive management systems and performance analytics to drive reductions in energy consumption, without making trade-offs on user experience and health or cost efficiency. Using data, organizations can reap more than reduced emissions and energy savings, they can also unlock a return on investment and competitive advantage in the market.

Download The Building Intelligence Index to explore:

  • Factors that impact how well building operations optimize for people, energy, and sustainability.
  • How to measure and adapt the performance of your space across four key pillars: occupancy, indoor air quality, energy use, and indoor health.
  • Utilization insights collected across R-Zero’s building intelligence solutions.
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