5 Pitfalls of Connecting Stripe to NetSuite for Revenue Reporting

NetSuite can't handle your raw Stripe data: Learn why, and what to do instead.

This webinar will take place on:
29 October, 2024
10:00 AM - 10:45 AM EST

If you think connecting Stripe or any other PSP directly to NetSuite will help you generate clean journal entries and close your books faster, you’re going to be disappointed. Companies like SeatGeek, Reddit, and Poshmark learned the hard way. But now they’ve learned the better way. Come to Leapfin's fireside chat so you can avoid 12-18 months of headache.

Join this fireside chat to learn:

  • The consequences of connecting Stripe to NetSuite, including technical limitations, cost traps, wasted time, and more
  • Why transforming revenue data is more important than merely connecting systems
  • How purpose-built automation is helping top accounting teams solve their rev rec and reporting problems


Ray Lau
Co-founder and CEO

Ray is the co-founder and CEO of Leapfin. Prior to Leapfin, Ray managed finance operations at Zynga, where he owned business operations, financial planning, and budgeting through Zynga’s rapid growth and IPO. As CEO of Leapfin, Ray has seen firsthand the challenges Leapfin’s customers like SeatGeek, Canva, and Reddit have had connecting Stripe and NetSuite, and wants to help other companies avoid potential mistakes and pitfalls.

Erik Yao
Co-founder and CTO

Erik is the co-founder and CTO of Leapfin. Erik partners closely with Leapfin’s customers to empower them to transform their raw transaction data into clean journal entries and close their books daily. Prior to Leapfin, Erik co-founded PlayHaven, an industry leading cross-promotional advertising and marketing network for mobile games.

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