What does best-in-class look like in the age of autonomous processing?

Uncover key benchmarks to help build your business case and define your AP strategy

This webinar will take place on:
18 September, 2024
03:00 PM - 03:45 PM BST

Are you setting the bar too high, too low, or not at all?

When you’re sifting through piles of PDFs and paper, or chasing down lost invoices and late approvers, you don’t have time to research and review benchmarks. And when you’re not sure how your benchmarks compare to standards, it’s understandable. But it’s something you need to fix so that you understand the benchmarks for success versus the status quo.

Autonomous Accounts Payable solutions can help you:

  • Improve fraud detection.
  • Decrease payment processing time.
  • Improve liquidity.

Join this webinar on September 18 at 3:00 pm BEST 4:00 pm CEST/10 EDT where we will review what best-in-class performance for invoice processing and accounts payable looks like for automated versus autonomous solutions. See how you stack up and learn what you can do to improve performance.


Paul Ellis
UK Director

Paul Ellis, the Medius UK Director, previously founded Wax Digital in 2001, which was acquired by Medius in 2019. At Medius, Paul has served in a variety of leadership roles including as the Chief Product Officer, during which he led the successful development of the integrated source-to-pay solution.

As part of Medius’ management team, he continues to drive innovation, growth, and profitability for the entire business with a focus on the UK market.

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