Scully on HR Technology Posts

A New HR Channel?
Published: 2014-01-21
I was going to buy a Kindle Fire just to meet Amy, the device’s cute pop-up help desk agent, until I found out she was a professional actress employed just for the commercials. Aaawe. Kindle isn’t the only place the...
Ready or Not, It’s Decision Time
Published: 2013-12-11
A change in HRMS platform is not something to be undertaken lightly. Under normal circumstances, companies tend to hold onto their legacy platforms for a decade or so, and upgrading only when necessary. That’s because HRMS conversions and...
Dear Reader, I realize it’s been a while since my last post in this blog series, The Third Turning. This installment was scheduled to be about what to consider when making a choice between a client-server, hosted (single-te...
Clearing up the Cloud
Published: 2013-08-21
In my last post I introduced the Third Turning in HR technology, namely Cloud computing. In this post I’ll attempt to bring clarity to this sometimes-murky topic. You may be relieved to know that I am not a technical guy. I am reminded of...
The Third Turning in HR Technology
Published: 2013-07-09
I can rattle off the three-letter airport codes for over a hundred airports around the world. Pretty impressive, eh? OK, so it’s useless knowledge. But 35 years ago when I was beginning my career as an airline reservations agent, commit...