State of Order-to-Cash in Shared Services

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Barbara Hodge
Barbara Hodge


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53% of GBS leaders believe moving as many outsourced processes as possible to captive centers over a period of time, and implementing technology solutions to automate, is the right model for GBS/SSC in the future.

In a survey conducted by SSON in Q1 2022, 70+ GBS leaders shared their responses on some of the key trends shaping the shared services O2C world.

The lagging health of the O2C process is reflected across key metrics, which tell a somber story: DSO is up, deductions are up, money is being left on the table.

However, all is not lost. Service delivery and sourcing models are being re-evaluated with a preference for captives; and automation-driven technology is proving effective at recouping lost cash.


Over twenty pages of data and insights, this report covers:

  1. How the traditional Order-to-Cash outsourcing model is giving way to captive strategy
  2. Tips to help GBS prepare For the “Big Shift” in O2C
  3. How Danone recovered $6 Million by extending Shared Service operations with a cash application solution
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