SSON Glossary: Employee Engagement
Employee engagement is strategies a business deploys to keep employees motivated in their duties and responsibilities while ensuring they are not actively seeking other job prospects.
Transformation and Engagement: Two Sides of the Same Coin
August 10 by Evan BeebeOften the success of a transformation initiative can be tied to an organization's ability to get employees to buy-in to the transformation. Similarly, transformation initiatives can also appear daunti...
Workforce Productivity: Uplifting the Employee Experience (pt .2)
July 12 by Evan BeebeIn this next part on workplace productivity, we’ll take a closer look at employee engagement and how it can help foster a work environment that creates more productive employees.
Putting People First in an Organization’s Culture
May 16 by SSON EditorChristy Stephenson has been with Mastercard for 7 years. In her current role as Director of Engagement and Communications for Mastercard’s shared services group, she leads a customized framework aimed...
Managing for the Future of Work: Human-Centered Management & The Employee Experience
July 27 by Connie SteeleThe world of work has changed, over the last 20 years... or even the last two years. But the way we run our organizations and manage our people? It hasn’t changed at nearly the same rate.