Nikolay Jeliazov
Nіkоlау Јеlіаzоv іѕ thе Fіnаnсіаl Маnаgеr аt Саrgоtес Вuѕіnеѕѕ Ѕеrvісеѕ ѕіnсе Јаnuаrу 2018 аnd, ѕіnсе April 2021, hе іѕ аlѕо independent advisor at Flow Logic organization.
More content by Nikolay Jeliazov
Shared Services and Outsourcing Industry: Productivity After COVID
March 13 by Nikolay JeliazovCOVID has forced many businesses to quickly move to working from home. That decision has been implemented quickly and in fact have many positives. However, the impact on productivity is still unclear.
A Case for Critical Thinking
February 25 by Nikolay JeliazovCritical thinking is still a crucial part of complex decision-making. However, if a company wants to fully utilize it, it will require some extra effort. Read on to learn how critical thinking can be...
Shared Services And The Meaning of Work
August 23 by Nikolay JeliazovShared services in particular have significant issues when it comes to creating meaningful jobs and keeping people on board for longer periods of time. So why is meaning so important?