Guide to Starting your Process Mining Journey
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Process Mining is one of the fastest growing categories in enterprise software. Over 50% of fortune-500 companies are exploring Process Mining with many already seeing significant improvement in business outcomes, high ROI, and further scaling their deployments.
As with any new technology, the Process Mining market continues to evolve. Customers are exploring new use-cases, merging with existing digital initiatives, and pushing the boundaries of cloud computing.
A close partnership is key to successfully incorporating Process Mining into your organization. Technology vendors not only provide their software, but also their expertise, experience, and methodology either directly or via their ecosystem partners.
This guide serves as a starting point for any organization looking to begin Process Mining. Understand the different ways companies adopt Process Mining and know which questions to ask. Start small, find value, and scale.
So what’s the best way to bring Process Mining into your organization? Download this guide to find out more.