Communication & Culture
SSON Podcast: Lee Coulter returns for Ep.56
May 12 by Seth AdlerLee Coulter joins us. Welcome to SSON on B2BiQ, I'm your host Seth Adler. Download episodes on, through our app in iTunes, in the iTunes podcast app, in Google Play, or wherever you cur...
SSON Podcast: Ep.54 Philip Woodburn, Schneider Electric
May 01 by Seth AdlerSeth Adler: From Schneider Electric Philip Woodburn joins us. Welcome to SSON on B2B IQ. I'm your host Seth Adler. Download episodes on or through our app on iTunes within the iTunes po...
Yes, The Glass Ceiling is Real
April 17 by Shared Services & Outsourcing NetworkThe glass ceiling for women in shared services is real. Download the white paper below to discover:A collection of facts & figures illustrating the current state of female leadership in finan...
Tips on how to 'Take Action' from World Central Kitchen in Puerto Rico
April 10 by SSONWe can move mountains if we "stop planning and start doing"
SSON Podcast: Episode 53, Maria Grocz, BT
April 09 by Seth AdlerWe try to automate some processes. We outsource certain services and make it easier and as we have not too many people in HR so all manual work change to ... In a process, either we skip certain steps...
Case Study: Implementing 'ContactOne' at Swiss Re
March 28 by Shared Services & Outsourcing NetworkIn the days since our March 21 Awards Gala at the Orlando SSOW, the SSON has reached out to Stefan Sieger, Head Customer Experience & Digital Delivery at Swiss Re (, who was ...
Eight Reasons You MUST Demonstrate the ROI of Your Innovation Projects
March 23 by The Shared Services & Outsourcing Network EditorAvoid the Innovation Backlash by focussing on ROI – from the startWe all know innovation is critically important, and with Intelligent Automation having taken over corporate wishlists, it's easy to be...
Cyber Security – the New ‘Top Risk’ for your Shared Services?
March 13 by Mary Sue RogersThe WEF Global Risk Report lists the top five global risks. This year cyber attack was listed as number three, just below extreme weather events and natural disasters
The surprising argument for gender diversity in digital
March 12 by Gianni GiacomelliNearly 75 percent of Americans say discrimination against women is a problem in the tech industry.
SSON Podcast: Katarzyna Szaroleta, DFDS
March 12 by Seth Adler"The first step is to become aware of the basic tools and of the fact that a manager can be a coach. Second, is that each coach should listen. The manager needs to understand that askin...
Is the 'on-demand' workforce economy a step forward – or backward?
March 01 by Abbas Jalis RizviThe on-demand workforce is real – but how will HR Services manage it?These days so many companies are taking advantage of the on-demand economy, making products or services available to customers inst...