Accounts Payable Automation: Keeping Your Processes In The ‘Safe Zone'
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Your Accounts Payable (AP) department is responsible for so much more than just paying incoming bills and invoices. Organizations can find themselves at risk of losing
money due to preventable, mismanaged manual invoice practices, poor AP processes, and accidental duplicate invoicing. This creates unnecessary expenses.
The coronavirus (COVID-19) has forced people – and businesses – to re-evaluate how they operate on a daily basis, and no doubt your AP operations will have felt the strain. Your company’s had to act quickly but rationally – rethinking policies, adjusting work processes and grappling with uncertainty. And to keep your company running, AP’s role has become more important than ever. There are still invoices to process, bills to pay, expenses to reimburse and queries to answer.
But how is your AP department supposed to carry out its “normal” operations when things are anything but normal?
Whilst there are many processes that might benefit from re-engineering and automation, the very nature of invoice processing and management truly does lend itself perfectly to a more automated and systematic approach.
In partnership with Kofax, SSON ran an industrywide AP Automation Maturity survey, gaining insights from all over the world into how companies are growing their payables efficiency. In this report, we’ll explore the findings of this survey and report on the advantages of automating your AP operations. Download below to read the full report!