SSON Glossary: Future of Work (FoW)
Future of work (FoW) is predicting how work, workers, and the workplace will shift in the years ahead.
State of the Frontline Workforce Market Report 2024
October 18 by Shared Services & Outsourcing NetworkThis report explores the challenges and trends affecting frontline workers, including low wages, high stress levels, and unsatisfactory leadership...
The Executive Series: Recruiting & Keeping The Best Talent In GBS at Commerz Global Service Solutions
April 09 by Sally FletcherOne GBS who is doing a particularly good job at talent management is Commerz Global Service Solutions. So, we invited Arne Graeber, their CEO, to talk to us about his talent strategy.
The Unique Value Human Administrative Assistants Bring to the Table
May 10 by SSON EditorAs the global workforce moves from its static 9-5 routine to a more flexible, digitally enabled environment, the work done by humans is no longer defined by their location or presence in the office.
Navigating the Future of Work
February 14 by Evan BeebeThis report aims to share what the FoW will look in the years to come and how these changes will affect people, data, and processes. It will dive into the solutions allowing businesses to navigate thi...
The Importance of Delivering a Great Employee Experience
November 29 by SSON EditorFor leaders of GBS organizations, the talent discussion remains front and center. Whether you’re accountable for all HR operations globally, or spearheading the creation and systematization of infrast...
The Value in Delivering a Great Employee Experience
October 24 by SSO NetworkWhat defines successful digital HR services? And why should HR – now more than ever – focus on human relations?
The Future of Work in Global Business Services
August 11 by Barbara HodgeThis report highlights ongoing future of work trends and how new capabilities, and solutions are driving the agenda.
Managing for the Future of Work: Human-Centered Management & The Employee Experience
July 27 by Connie SteeleThe world of work has changed, over the last 20 years... or even the last two years. But the way we run our organizations and manage our people? It hasn’t changed at nearly the same rate.
March 14 by Jordan MullinsThe Future of Work, the Next Normal...How has the pandemic changed our assumptions about work and how is automation stepping in to help in places like customer contact centers?
Shared Services And The Meaning of Work
August 23 by Nikolay JeliazovShared services in particular have significant issues when it comes to creating meaningful jobs and keeping people on board for longer periods of time. So why is meaning so important?
Future of Work in Shared Services: A How-To Guide on Leading With Experience in Today's New Reality
April 13 by SSON Industry ReportsOrganizations worldwide have had to pivot and adjust to a “remote everything” scenario. This requires a new awareness of "customer experience"
GBS and the Future of Work: A Clear Vision for Takeda Business Solutions
January 12 by Sanjay PatelHow does a GBS leader navigate FOW, a modern location strategy, and skills requirements? Find out in this Q&A with one of SSON's Global Advisory Board members