How to Vault Accounts Payable Up the Value Curve
July 25 by SSO NetworkAccounts Payable is the finance process most often prioritized for performance improvement.And yet it still offers plenty of new opportunity for efficiency. We recently surveyed global practition...
Top 10 Tips for an Optimal Order-to-Cash Process
February 02 by SSON EditorMONEY. It’s the lifeblood of the business, the fuel for the corporate machine. And it’s the job of Order-to-Cash to secure it and pipe it in, as smoothly and efficiently as possible...
Are You Still "Managing" Performance? Try "Enabling" it, Instead
July 30 by Anil Prem DSouzaI recently met the CEO of a very unique IT-enabled wellness start-up company called Avinash Saurabh is developing this unique way of helping employees become and remain fit, both mentally...
Why Dashboards Are Like Watermelons...
June 17 by Anupam DiwanWhen you look at a watermelon, all you see is green. If you didn’t know any better, or never had eaten one, you would never know that inside that green outer rind is a bright red interior. T...
Q&A: John Harrington, Citigroup
January 10 by SSONJohn Harrington is Citigroup's Strategic EMEA Operations Manager, Payment Services, and presented on "Linking Purchase-to-Pay and Your Financial Supply Chain Globally: Recognising the Role P2P Plays...
Q&A: Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for Shared Services Centers
January 10 by Shared Services & Outsourcing NetworkIn this article, we answer some of the most popular questions when it comes to KPIs for Shared Service Centers!