The Next Level of Automation Connects Unstructured Data, Advanced AI Services, ML Driven Orchestration, and Seamless Bot-Human-Bot Interaction Together.
Welcome to The Age of Connected Automation
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With somewhat inauspicious beginnings at the turn of the millennium, RPA rapidly became a buzzword that was a harbinger of major changes to come in how the world works. Like all new technologies, RPA has matured, adoption has spread, and adjunct technologies that extend the use-cases of automation more broadly are readily available.
To obtain an improved understanding of RPA deployment currently in place and key customer priorities, the SSON conducted an extensive survey with large enterprises. This brand new report presents the findings from 200 SSO/GBS Organizations.
Read on to learn how enterprises are becoming more strategic with automation and how platform solutions which seamlessly combine multiple capabilities are paving the way for solvable IA challenges.
The report is structured in three critical areas:
- Process: Discovery, Complexity and Exception Paths
- People: Voice and Human Machine Workflow
- Data: Documents, Unstructured and Semi-Structured
Here's to a happy 2022 with connected automation!